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Gurdwara is the house of prayer of the sikhs. Gur(u) is a teacher who takes you from the dark to the light, and dvâr(a): "door" or "gate").

The sunrise services begin with the Opening of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and the speaking of the Ardas.

Volgorde van gebeurtenissen tijdens de Gurdwara Sunrice service. -

Gurbani Kirtan – Het zingen inspirerende mantra’s en shabads

Korte lezing van Yogi Bhajan

Song of the Khalsa
Anand Sahib
Ardas - Het traditionele Sikh-gebed. - -De persoon die de Arda’s reciteert, roept: “Bolay so nihaal” (degene die spreekt zal gezegend worden). De sangat antwoordt: “Sat Siree Akaal” (The Great Truth is undying).
Hukam - De boodschap van de Guru aan de Sangat.
Gur parshad - Herinnering aan God’s zoetheid

A Gurdwara is not only a place of prayer with a peaseful admosfer, it is the center of spiritual, social and educational activities.

In de middag worden er workshops georganiseerd waarin het onderwijzen van kirtan en levensstijl van de sikh centraal staat.

In the evening the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is closed after the recitation of the Rehras Sahib, the Kirtan and the Ardas.

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